Is it a ‘sleep regression’?
… may have flashbacks to those earlier months when sleep deprivation was a big, not quite so pleasant, part of everyday life. That fear of sleep deprivation being a permanent fixture is so real. As a baby gets older, the brain starts to develop and the infant begins to develop more sleep associations. Although it worries parents that their infant is getting less sleep than before the ‘sleep regression’, it is really a positive progression because it means your baby’s brain is developing in the way that it should.
Suzy’s first tip: Try not to make lots of changes to your infant’s evening routine. For example, don’t put your infant to bed later thinking this might make him more tired and he will sleep better because it can make him overtired and this may make him wake up more often in the night or at least very early in the morning.
Suzy’s second tip: When you are faced with night wakings, treat them as such and, however tempting it may be to try lots of different things to get your infant to go back to sleep, resist the temptation. Bringing your infant into your bed when he is not used to it can create another habit because it’s a bit like a reward for waking up.
Suzy’s third tip: Check he is eating well in the daytime and pay attention that the evening meal is not too ‘heavy’ as you don’t want him waking up due to digestive issues.
Suzy’s fourth tip: If you have to go in to check your infant at night, make sure you keep it low key and really rather boring!
If you find that your little one’s sleep is still disturbed after a month or so, Suzy can get you back on track with a holistic and simple sleep plan.